The CPCDMS Section of Ryan White Grant Administration oversees the Centralized Patient Care Data Management System, a real-time, de-identified client-level computer database application that allows Part A and EHE-funded providers and other users in the EMA to share client eligibility information and document service delivery while maintaining client confidentiality.
Service providers enter registration, service encounter and medical update information for each client into the CPCDMS. Client information collected includes demographic, co-morbidity, biological marker, mortality and service utilization data.
The CPCDMS has streamlined the client eligibility process: once a client has registered, they need only to present identification and proof of HIV status in order to access other Part A and EHE-funded services. The data system also automates many administrative functions by enabling agencies to back up monthly billing and to print required fiscal and programmatic reports at the touch of a button. In addition, the CPCDMS has been the foundation upon which evaluation and quality management activities in the EMA were built..
Client CPCDMS Refusal Policies & Procedures
Consent to Verify Eligibility for Services (Instructions)
Consent for Transfer and Release/Exchange of Information (Instructions)
Client CPCDMS Refusal Form
Consent for Services with Rights
English Spanish
Consent for Transfer and Release/Exchange of Information
Consent to Verify Eligibility for Services
Medical History/Lab Update Form
Client Registration Form
Client Record Update Form Instructions
Client Registration Form Instructions
Client Record Update Form
CPCDMS Training Manual