A Registered Dietitian (RD), is a trained nutrition specialist who can help you and your family improve your health. RD services are FREE to WIC participants!
The WIC RD counsels WIC participants with various nutrition related concerns and health conditions. After the first meeting with the RD, follow up appointments are usually assigned to help monitor the participant’s progress on reaching the goals set at previous appointments; this allows opportunity for the RD to offer additional education and support as needed.
Additionally, the RD teams up with health care providers and community agencies to provide the best care for the participant. You can request an appointment to speak with a WIC Registered Dietitian for guidance on:
- Child overweight or underweight concerns
- Adult weight concerns
- Healthy weight gain during pregnancy
- Feeding concerns with children
- Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes
- Ideas to improve child eating
- Tips for reducing stress during meal time
- Multiple Food Allergies
- Other concerns not included on this list
For more information on scheduling an appointment with a WIC RD, ask WIC staff at your next appointment or contact the WIC Appointment Line at (713) 407-5800.